Author’s Kit & Guidelines

Paper Templates

The following samples contain the guidelines on how to prepare the manuscript of your full papers.

All the authors of accepted papers must sign the copyright transfer agreement form for the paper to be included in the SISA 2022 proceedings.

Please download the form and return the signed form to the following.

SISA 2022 TPC Chair
(Max mail size: 5MB (5120KB))

Detailed instruction

  1. Print a copy of the form.

    You may fill in the form electrically using the MS-Word version of the form before printing it. In this case, omit the step 2. Note that the ‘Authorized signature’ field cannot be completed on your computer.

  2. Fill in the printed form.
  3. Sign the printed form. Your signature should be placed on the ‘Authorized signature’ field.
  4. Scan the signed form and send it to the chair via email. PDF format is preferable.

Presentation Guidelines

In the SISA2022 workshop, all presentations will be in one of the following oral presentation formats:

(1) Special Session (Regular Oral Presentation)

The presentation time for each paper is 20 minutes, including a 5-minute discussion.

(2) Regular Session (Short Oral Presentation)

The presentation time for each paper is 15 minutes, including a 5-minute discussion.

The presenting author has to prepare a presentation slide that can be displayed online.